Lippert Sandra Luisa
Research themes
- Demotic Studies (especially edition of unpublished Demotic texts)
- Ancient Egyptian Law
- History, geography, economy and religion of the Fayyum, especially during the Graeco-Roman period
Work in progress
- Study and publication of the Demotic agreements of the Roman period from the temple of Soknopaiou Nesos in the Fayyum (with Maren Schentuleit, University College Oxford, and Karl-Theodor Zauzich, univ. of Würzburg)
- Study and publication of the Demotic legal documents from the notary office of Oxyrhyncha in the Fayyum in the 2nd c. BCE housed in the Center for the Tebtunis Papyri, The Bancroft Library, Berkeley (with Carolin Arlt, univ. of Würzburg)
- Study and publication of the Demotic, hieratic, hieroglyphic, Greek, Coptic and Arabic ostraca from Athribis (Ḥwt-Rpy.t) in Upper Egypt (with Anne Boud’hors, IRHT-Paris ; Delphine Dixneuf, LA3M-Aix-Marseille ; Ivan Guermeur, AOROC-Paris ; Christian Leitz, univ. of Tübingen ; Naïm Vanthieghem, IRHT-Paris)
- Documentation, (re-)edition and analysis of the decorative program of the cella of the sanctuary of Amon at Hibis in the oasis Kharga.
- English re-edition of S. Lippert, Einführung in die altägyptische Rechtsgeschichte (avec Koen Donker van Heel, univ. of Leiden, and Cary Martin, University College London)
Awards & research:
• 2019 Habilitation à diriger les recherches at the École Pratique des Hautes Études, Paris, January 19, 2019: Temple et Société. La vie civile et religieuse dans les villes et campagnes égyptiennes du viie siècle av.n.è ; au iiie siècle
• 2002 PhD in egyptology at the university of Würzburg (Germany), final exam Décember 20, 2002: Ein demotisches juristisches Lehrbuch. Untersuchungen zu pBerlin P 23757 rto (supervised by K.-Th. Zauzich)
• 2000 Master in egyptology at the Johns Hopkins Univiersity of Baltimore, Maryland (U.S.A.): Demotic Legal Manuals (supervised by R. Jasnow)
• 1999 Magister Artium in egyptology at the university of Würzburg: Spätdemotische Quittungen aus Soknopaiu Nesos (supervised by K.-Th. Zauzich)
2019– Directrice de recherche 2nd class, CNRS
2013–2019 Chargée de recherche 1st class (since Septembre 2017, CRCN), CNRS, mixed research unit 5140 Archéologie des sociétés méditerranéennes, équipe Égypte nilotique et méditerranéenne (CNRS, UPV Montpellier 3, MCC)
2011–2013 Visiting researcher at the research team Égypte nilotique et méditerranéenne, University Paul-Valéry Montpellier 3 (Feodor Lynen fellowship of the Foundation Alexander von Humboldt).
2006–2011 ; 2013 Assistentin (akademische Rätin auf Zeit) at the Institute for Near Eastern Studies, section Egyptology at the university of Tübingen (Germany).
2006 Post-doc scholar at the Center for the Tebtunis Papyri, The Bancroft Library, University of California, Berkeley, U.S.A.
2000–2005 Scientific collaborator of the research project Soknopaiu Nesos nach den demotischen Quellen römischer Zeit, directed by K.-Th. Zauzich at the university of Würzburg
Abbreviated bibliography
- Ein demotisches juristisches Lehrbuch. Untersuchungen zu pBerlin P 23757 rto Ägyptologische Abhandlungen 66, Wiesbaden, 2004. Quarto, 255 pages and 10 plates.
- avec Maren Schentuleit, Demotische Dokumente aus Dime I. Ostraka, Wiesbaden 2006. Quarto, VIII+174 pages and 50 plates.
- avec Maren Schentuleit, Demotische Dokumente aus Dime II. Quittungen, Wiesbaden 2006. Quarto, VIII+281 pages and 46 plates.
- Einführung in die altägyptische Rechtsgeschichte. Einführungen und Quellentexte zur Ägyptologie 5, Münster, 2008. 2nd edition Münster, 2012. Octavo, XI+270 pages.
- with Maren Schentuleit, Demotische Dokumente aus Dime III. Urkunden, Wiesbaden, 2010. Quarto, XI+526 pages and 44 plates.
Articles & chapters (publications of the last four years):
- “Chapels, Chambers and Gateways: the religious architecture of Soknopaiou Nesos according to the demotic documentary papyri”, in: M. Capasso/P. Davoli (eds.), Soknopaios, the temple and worship. Proceedings of the First Round Table of the Centro di Studi Papirologici del’Università del Salento, Lecce – October 9th 2013, Edaphos. Colloqui di Centro di Studi Papirologici del’Università del Salento, Lecce, 2015, p. 155–165.
- “4.4.5 Late Egyptian during the 26th dynasty”, in: D. Bunčić/S. L. Lippert/A. Rabus (eds.), Biscriptality – a sociolinguistic typology. Akademiekonferenzen 24 (Heidelberg 2016), p. 183–186.
- with Alexandra von Lieven, “4.7.5. Egyptian (3000 BCE to ca. 400 CE)”, in: D. Bunčić/S. L. Lippert/A. Rabus (eds.), Biscriptality – a sociolinguistic typology Akademiekonferenzen 24, Heidelberg, 2016, p. 256–276.
- “Egyptian Law, Saite to Roman Period”, in: G. Williams (ed.), Oxford Handbooks Online, 2016 (24p.). DOI: 10.1093/oxfordhb/9780199935390.013.48
- “Ein saitisch-persisches Puzzlespiel. Untersuchungen zur Chronologie der Dekoration des Amun-Tempels von Hibis”, in: S. L. Lippert/M. Schentuleit/Martin A. Stadler (eds.), Sapientia Felicitas. Festschrift für Günter Vittmann zum 29. Februar 2016. CENiM 14, Montpellier, 2016, p. 355–387.
- “Varia demotica d’Hermonthis”, BIFAO 115 (2015), p. 231–264.
- “Les codes de lois en Égypte à l’époque perse”, in: D. Jaillard / Chr. Nihan (eds.), Writing Laws in Antiquity / L’écriture du droit dans l’Antiquité. Beihefte ZAR 19, Wiesbaden, 2017, p. 78–98.
- with Marion Claude, “La table d’offrande Louvre D 69”, BIFAO 118 (2018), p. 47–81.
- with Jane Rowlandson, “Family and Life Cycle Transitions”, in: K. Vandorpe (ed.), A Companion to Greco-Roman and Late Antique Egypt. Blackwell Companions to the Ancient World, Medford, MA, 2019, p. 327–345.
- “Law Survey: Ancient Egypt”, Journal of Ancient Civilizations 34.1 (2019), p. 83–111. ISSN: 1004-9371, ed. by The Institute for the History of Ancient Civilizations (IHAC)
- “Demotic loans with mortgage in their legal context – from the Ptolemaic period ‘Kaufpfandurkunde’ to the Roman period bilingual loan with mortgage”, in: S. Démare-Lafont (ed.), Debt in Ancient Mediterranean Societies. A Documentary Approach, Legal Documents in Ancient Societies VII, Paris August 27-29, 2015. Hautes Études Orientales 56, Paris-Geneva, 2019, p. 123–152.
- “Zur Situation ägyptischer Heiligtümer in der 27. Dynastie (1. Perserherrschaft)“, in: R. Achenbach (ed.), Die Religionspolitik der Achaimeniden und die Rolle der Lokalheiligtümer. Beihefte ZAR 25, Wiesbaden, 2019, 147–162.
- “Of pots, sherds, and drachmas – demotic ostraca from Ḥw.t-Rpy.t (with a detour to Soknopaiou Nesos)”, in Fr. Naether (ed.), New Approaches in Demotic Studies. Acts of the 13th International Conference of Demotic Studies, Leipzig, September 4–8, 2017. Beihefte ZÄS 10, Berlin, 2019, p. 151–174.
Publishing of collective works (publications of the last four years)
- with Maren Schentuleit and Martin A. Stadler (eds.), Sapientia Felicitas. Festschrift für Günter Vittmann zu seinem 64. Geburtstag am 29. Februar 2016. CENiM 14, Montpellier, 2016.
- with Daniel Bunčić and Achim Rabus (eds.), Biscriptality – a sociolinguistic typology Akademiekonferenzen 24, Heidelberg, 2016.
- with Marie-Pierre Chaufray, Ivan Guermeur and Vincent Rondot (eds.), Le Fayoum. Archéologie – Histoire – Religion. Actes du sixième congres international. Montpellier, 26–28 octobre 2016, Wiesbaden, 2018.