Fenet Annick
History and Archaeology

PhD in History and Archaeology of the Ancient world Research fellow

Contacter Annick Fenet


Research interests

  • History and Archaeology of the Ancient civilizations
  • History of Archaeology and scientific Orientalism (XIXth- XXth centuries)
  • Greek and Roman maritime culture

*Research in progress

— 2013-2018 : Conception & coordination of the Franco-British project « In search of a Greco-Buddhist art. The archaeologists from Gandhara to Tukestan (late XIXth-1rst quarter of the XXth century) », sponsored by the Labex TransferS. See http://www.transfers.ens.fr/article101.html
— Monograph, as a part of a Habilitation (HDR) : Les archéologies dans les Expositions universelles (1851-1915). Supervisor : Prof. Alexandre Farnoux.

  • 2017-2021 : Conception & coordination of the cross-disciplinary (sections Antiquity and Byzantium / Modern and contemporary History) and Franco-Greek five-year program « Greek Antiquity and the World’s Fairs, 1851-1939 », École française d’Athènes.

    — Co-coordinating of the International Colloquium « Archéologues et historiens de l’art à l’épreuve de la Grande Guerre », Paris 27th-28th January 2017.

    Other scientific collaborations

    — Associate member of the research unit PLH-Érasme (EA 4601, univ. Toulouse) http://plh.univ-tlse2.fr/accueil-plh/equipes/erasme-equipe-de-recherche-sur-la-reception-de-l-antiquite-sources-memoire-enjeux-/

    — Member of the Société Asiatique (funded in 1822).

  • Since 2011, responsible (with P-S. Filliozat, Member of the Institut de France) and webmaster of the website of the society http://www.aibl.fr/societe-asiatique/
  • Responsible of the archive collections Alfred Foucher (1865-1952).

    — Member of GRISSO (Gruppo di Ricerca Interdisciplinare di Storia degli Studi Orientali).

Awards & Research scholarships
— Established scholarship « STM » by the Italian CNR (2015) : guest scholar in the laboratory ISMA (Roma-Monterotondo).
— Research scholarship Debrousse of the Institut de France, on a proposal from the Académie des Inscriptions et Belles-Lettres (2013).
— Guest speaker at UCLA (Univ. of California), in the Asia Institute program Beyond the Bamiyan Buddhas. Archaeology and history in the modern and ancient Persianate World (UCLA & UC Irvine, Los Angeles 8-9 novembre 2012). See http://www.international.ucla.edu/asia/centralasia/event/ 9547
— Award André-Lequeux (Institut de France, 1998).
— PhD & postdoctoral scholarships by the École française d’Athènes, the École française de Rome, the Centre Jean-Bérard (Naples) and the Greek Government (1993-2000).
— Award Saintour by the Académie des Inscriptions et Belles-Lettres for the book « Les dieux olympiens et la mer » (2017).
1998 - PhD in history and archaeology of the ancient world at the University of Paris X-Nanterre.
Prize André Lequeux of Institut de France 1998.
1992 – Eligibility for the « agrégation » of grammar.
1991-1995 – Unregistered student (auditor) at the EPHE, seminar of Greek archaeology by Prof. Paul Bernard entitled « On the track of Alexander in Orient ».
1990 – Post-graduate diploma (D.E.A.) in Classical Antiquity at the University of Clermont-Ferrand II.
1987-1989 – Master in Classics at the University of Paris IV-Sorbonne ; additional training in archaeology, Greek & Latin epigraphy, numismatics.
1985-1987 – Classes préparatoires aux grandes écoles (C.P.G.E.) at the Lycée Faidherbe of Lille.
In the field
1994-2002 – Member of the French-Albanian archaeological mission at Apollonia (Illyria) : excavations in the monumental center (1994-1995) ; co-director, with Vangjel Dimo, of the excavations of the tumular necropolis (VI a. C. - I p. C.), and study of materials (1996-2002).
1993-1999 – Study trips in Italy & Greece (grants of EFA, EFR, Centre Jean Bérard at Naples and Greek Government).
1985-1990 - Excavations, survey & training course of ceramology at Lezoux (France), center of terra sigillata production.
Teaching (Bachelor and Master level)
2016- – Lecturer in Ancient art & Archaeology at the University of Amiens.
1999-2003 – Lecturer in Ancient art & Archaeology at the Institut supérieur des Carrières artistiques (ICART Paris).
2006 – Lecturer for the doctoral training « Iconographie et acculturation : aux marges du monde grec » at the École française d’Athènes.
2003 – Lecturer for the doctoral training « Outils épistémologiques, historiographiques et informatiques » at the École française de Rome.
2002 – Lecturer in Roman history at the University of Paris X.
2000-2002 – Lecturer in Ancient history at the University of Angers UCO.
1996-1998 – Teaching fellow (ATER) in Ancient history at the University of Marne-la-Vallée.
1992-1993 - Teaching fellow (ATER) in Ancient history at the University of Saint-Étienne.
Research missions
Since I finished my thesis, I have carried out research missions, at leading French universities and research institutions.
2016 - CNRS, laboratoire ANHIMA : traductions & edition of the collective book Antinoüs : la fabrication d’un dieu. Égypte, Asie Mineure, Grèce, Rome, Latium, F. Chausson dir.
2013-2016 - EPHE : coordination & research for the ANR-DFG « EIKON : la vie des portraits grecs ». See http://www.eikon-anrdfg.eu/
2013 - Univ. of Paris Ouest : epigraphic analysis for the project Prosopographie des femmes de l’ordre sénatorial (IIIe siècle), F. Chausson & S. Destephen dir.
2012 –Sorbonne Library : achievement, as a Curator, of the free-access of the new lecture room « CADIST Sciences de l’Antiquité ».
2010-2012 - Société Asiatique, learned society funded in 1822 : as Archivist-Librarian, research on the old collections & history of scientic orientalism.
2004-2005 - Académie des Sciences morales et politiques : centenary of the 1905 Law, studies in history of the secularism from Antiquity to present time.
2010 - Univ. de Toulouse II : database « Epistula » on learned correspondence. See http://w3.epistula.univ-tlse2.fr/index.php
2010 - EPHE : coordination of the database project « Nouveau Mendel » (http://nouveau-mendel.huma-num.fr/mvcMendel/)
2009 - EPHE & CNRS : digitization & edition of reviews from the Revue archéologique. See http://histara.sorbonne.fr/archives.php?lang=fr
2008-2009 - Académie des inscriptions et belles-lettres & Délégation archéologique française en Afghanistan (DAFA) : research on Alfred Foucher’ mission in Afghanistan.
2006-2007 - CNRS : project AREA (ARchives of European Archeology). See http://www.area-archives.org
2005-2007 – INHA : study of archives of archaeologists and travellers.
An example of inventory : Bibliothèque de l’INHA, collections Jacques Doucet. Inventaire des archives. Maxime Collignon (1883-1917), 2005, 57 p. See https://halshs.archives-ouvertes.fr/halshs-01373245
2005 - Centre international de la mer à Rochefort / Corderie royale : research in maritime history, modern and contemporary.
2002, 2004-2006 – EHESS : coordination of a small team dedicated to the digital version of L’Année philologique. See http://www.annee-philologique.com
2001-2002, 2003, 2006, 2015, 2016 - CNRS : project ICAR (IConographie et Archéologie de l’Italie préromaine). See http://icar.huma-num.fr/index.html