Histoire et archéologie

Björn Forsén &
Vyron Antoniadis

, by Jean-Michel Colas

Vendredi 4 décembre 2020, 16h-19h
Visioconférence: https://www.gotomeet.me/AncaDAN/geoarch
Par téléphone: +33 187 210 241
Code d’accès: 906-762-757

Conférence dans le cadre du séminaire “Géographie historique et géoarchéologie”

- Björn Forsén
Director of the Finnish Institute at Athens
Romans in Epirus ca. 200 BC to 100 AD : Destruction, Colonisation and Integration

- Vyron Antoniadis
Institute of Historical Research-National Hellenic Research Foundation

Roman Epirus: Traditional projects and novel approaches
This paper is a short story of an interdisciplinary project which begun as a Tabula Imperii Romani volume of Epirus. The author presents traditional methods of data collection and visualization from the fields of history, archaeology, and geography. He explores how GIS mapping techniques may or may not bridge the great divide between historical questions and archaeological interpretations. A current goal of this project is the study of the agricultural units of Epirus, such as farmsteads, villae rusticae and watchtowers during the Roman period. 

Responsable : Anca Dan