, by Agnès


3 results
type pub ISSUE
Pierre Carlier, Francis Joannès, F. Rougemont, Julien Zurbach
Palatial Economy in the Ancient Near East and in the Aegean: First Steps Towards a Comprehensive Study and Analysis. ESF Exploratory Workshop Held in Sèvres (France), 16-19 Sept. 2010
Pasiphae. Rivista di filologia e antichità egee, 2017
Julien Zurbach, Francis Joannès, F. Rougemont
P. Carlier (†), Fr. Joannès, Fr. Rougemont, J. Zurbach (éd.), Palatial Economies in the Ancient Near East and in the Aegean. First Steps Towards a Comprehensive Study and Analysis, ESF Exploratory Workshop held in Sèvres (France), 16-19 Sept. 2010, Pasiphae 11, Pise – Rome
Fabrizio Serra Editore, 2017, PASIPHAE, 978-88-6227-921-5
François Lerouxel, Roland Etienne, Francis Joannès
J. G. Manning and Ian Morris (ed.), The ancient economy : evidence and models
2007, pp.511-525